Lockdown diaries: I can definitely keep a habit

It’s been almost 365 days since the pandemic hit our shores and everyone’s lives got turned upside down, being forced to stay in the confines of their living spaces. For something that we thought was gonna last ~2 weeks~ *tops*, there have been varying degrees of adjustment from person to person: some people have learnedContinue reading “Lockdown diaries: I can definitely keep a habit”

Lockdown Diaries: Groundhog Day 75

It’s always been a habit of mine to go back to this space every time I feel a surge of inspiration or a remarkable moment come through. I’ve already accepted the fact that writing is not going to be a top priority, let alone write consistently about the mundane ups and downs of life. ButContinue reading “Lockdown Diaries: Groundhog Day 75”

Another revival attempt, 2019 edition

It’s that time of the year again wherein I attempt to revive my dingy blog, hoping to put into words my sudden bursts of inspiration. I tried to start a fresh blog last year, something a little bit more private and anonymous. I wanted it to be an avenue wherein I would write down myContinue reading “Another revival attempt, 2019 edition”